Too Old to be new

By split I assume you mean that you spread you ass cheeks open?

What part don’t you understand??

Thanks for proving my point Darkstar another asswipe reply. I can feel myself getting dumber just by reading your posts.



Thanks Pewter lol



Mike how far north of Pittsburgh are you?

LOL :hsugh:

welcome welcome

I can assure you the feeling is mutual.

Did I say you could stop fondling my balls to go post on the internets?

i wish i had a falcon, but im a kid stuck with a i-4 s10.

Please for the love of god just save up some money and get something at least somewhat respectable instead of just modding something for the sake of modding.

I’m just outside of Portersville on the Butler County, Lawrence County line…

I’m selling it, i just got a $110 dollar fine for driving without a licensed driver on public roads. yes, im still on my permit.

is that all the more that came out of it? I always wondered how much trouble you’d get in for that. Of course old fucks like me only had to have their permit for like 3 weeks, if that. :kekegay:

i thought it would be allot worse. o, i cant get my senior license till im 18.

Mike whats your last name? Ever heard of Frank’s H.D. on 488. just outside Ellwood?

Welcome… I think…

I was at Franks on Saturday. He’s a great guy! Been dealing with him ever since I bought my Harley too many years ago…

you wouldnt happen to be in a car club called “hurtin feelinz” would you?