I’m Jimmy I’m an AMC guy trapped in 86 Camaro. I run low buget shit and make it go as fast as possible. No motor I ever built has been to a shop or had work done that I couldn’t do by hand. Like or not. I have documented truths about most rules of thumb that aren’t worth a shit!! I know guys & some gals from everywhere probably a lot on this board. I very cool dude showed up at my house the other day and told me about this site. Thought I would check it out, he didn’t know I was a hell raiser though. I live to street race the track is for tuning for the street. I have lost more than a few along the way but I have way more in the win column. I been fined, chased,supended and suspected of every moving violation in the book so for you guys that race at the track sorry if I ruffled your feathers. here is a good lesson to remember: it don’t matter what you run at the track in a controlled atmosphere let me catch you on the street and your mine. Never bet against a street racer who knows the street.:rant:
You sound hardcore dude. Seen you on Speeders.
hi again
Hey if I do the crime I’ll do the time. Hard core? Nope just serious.
more like annoying
it don’t matter what you run at the track in a controlled atmosphere let me catch you on the street and your mine. Never bet against a street racer who knows the street
its just driving on the street…how hard can it be? if your car is faster its faster…
But welcome, whats done to your 86? few thirdgen guys around here. I have an 89
how many welcome thread are there?
welcome dude, you sound like my kinda guy, hope to meet you sometime.
Jim is a nice guy, Lives in the middle of nowhere though. welcome
Used to know a guy named Gibson who ran a screaming Falcon. He was from down in the valley like me. Butlers main street used to be the place to cruise, upper and lower lots lotta fast shit up that way. Went across 3 lanes of traffic plus the turning lane on Rt. 8 out by the Clearview mall once. Second gear can be a bitch.
Rocz nothing to special is done to the motor or trans. Bolt ons at best. found a '76 350 sitting in the bottom of the bike shop, pulled the top end off, ran a wire wheel down the cyl.(with the pistons still in), bolted on some redone smog heads(76cc),used holley strip dominator intake and a 3310 holley. Walla!!! hotrod. Now the chasis I got from a buddy, 8 pt. cage,frame ties, 9 inch with moser guts and locker,axles. drive shaft loop.slider tubeular torq arm independent of the trans, ajustable lower control arms(you know your basic shit). Personally I would rather have an AMC again.
SC6 you are a city boy aren’t you? Ifeel the same way when I come down to Pittsburgh or a bigger city. Everyone thinks we’re farmers out here, just cause I can shoot my guns off my deck.
LoL, they do that here to but usually crack is involved
Inever leave the area without my trusty.45 and a handful of mags loaded with hollow points.
Well aren’t you special…
Hey Darkstar you must be the “I WISH MY MOMMY WOULD HOLD ME MORE” douche bag on this site. everything you have said to anyone is an asswipe reply. Must be something in that area. You hillbilly inbread fuck. Leave you mommies basement and got into the real world.
Faggot noob says what?
you are a tough guy i guess
odd… i hear that story from every butlerite that walks by and bothers me
Gearhead you gotta realize this was back almost 20 years ago. Some shit for brains banger killed someone in the lower lot and the cops put the stop to hanging around in town. Iblew through there a few years back and they were saying after 12 a.m. the streets belong to the homos. Don’t ask me I split. Just a rumor but why take chances.