Too soon?

nah,I’m pretty sure it was posted like a day after the haiti earthquakes LOL


we’re goin to hell

LoL I loved this

Didn’t understand this last night looking at it on my phone.

Now that I have an F11 key… :lol:

Haha. Going to hell on a rocket in a pink tutu.

yeah, I think I posted this and nobody thought it was funny… I still think it’s great.


You should post this in network wide and see if that ahmed guy gets all huffy. :pedo:

There are little to no Arabic people in Haiti so I doubt he’d care. :wink:

Yeah but it’d be an excuse to go off hating America, which seems to be his bag.

I don’t get it? dammit/

Just hold down the F11 key for a few seconds…then you should understand, assuming you’ve heard about those Earthquakes they dealt with recently.

I have a mac and it just turns my volume down lol I guess that’s funny as no one is laughing in haiti but I am sure that’s not the joke…

^haha way to think it through. on a pc it kinda shakes the screen around like an earthquake lol

I figured as much lol thanks