Working from home. It’s technically a sick day so I won’t be doing much.
I had surgery yesterday so I am a bit blah right now. It’s amazing the shit you see when you don’t work on a typically business day. Everyone is out and doing stuff. I doubt everyone has the day off so some people are jobless or have rich boos. TV sucks during the day so I have Blu-Ray to make me happy.
It’s also hard core snowing here but not sticking.
I am going to go to my favorite deli for fresh mozza/bread and hang out with the old Italian guys.
I just need a day to recover. The surgeon is like: “I am going to prescribe some pain medication” and I replied: “Don’t bother. I don’t want that weak shit. I got my own stash”.
gf just texted me and said she was driving to work and it started to snow. haha shes like i have open toe heels on too. i said well u can just put them on my cock to keep them warm :lol