Here comes the snow

Get ready for a morning commute FILLED with people getting in your way, cutting you off, and other idiotic manuevers associated with wintry travel in upstate NY.


Im gonna rear end you

I need my rear bumper cover resprayed anyway :lol

I am probably staying home all day and writing a paper. While watching all the idiots outside try to drive.

A HUGE plus to campus life…no daily commute. One part of commuting last year I will never miss.

I’ll be around testing out my snow tires early in the morning:excited

Hell yeah. I can’t wait until September…

ill be testing my BEAT ass snows tomorrow morning, to go sell people snow tires, that should have bought them already!

It’s going to be nearly 50 degrees tomorrow for a high, according to WTEN.

commuting fucking sucks

Um, wat.

6-9" up here where I live.

Closer to 9 in my pants…


Must round up like Petes trap speeds :lmao

Woohoo first day of snow plowing this season, already had more phone calls in the past 3 days then the past 6 weeks. Got to love people that wait till the last second, Im sure my phone will be ringing off the hook tomorrow.

Nice dude, thats how it always goes! You get any lot contracts yet?

As long as we get enough to take my sleds out, I will be happy.

I thought leaving work at 8am was a pain in the ass, can’t wait for the fuck fest tomorrow morning.

Nope sticking to residential for the first year

Yeah man! I’m pumped. I’m gonna be in a new Chevy 4500 dump truck for this storm since my loader is down :frowning:

I doubt we’ll get that much, idk where youre located though…

Albany, but I will trailer this shit anywhere :thumbup