Might hafta take a hike to Tug Hill!
I have “personal forecasting” from WTEN, and theyre forecasting a high of 48 degrees at my address.
Yes because there is going to be 11 degree difference from Albany Intl Airport to where you live in Colonie???
Don’t ask me, ask Steve Caporizzo.
Definition of a Meteorologist - “Liar”
Lawyer - see ‘meteorologist’
Meteorologist - see ‘lawyer’
open vagina - insert head
Honda’s broke I gotta drive the Cobra tom. :rofl :rofl
Don’t bother. Why don’t you just drive that piece of crap off a cliff, do us all a favor.
/joe dirt quote
SICK! :thumbup
typical honduh :lol
Honda’s are one of the most reliable cars IMO. None of mine have ever left me stranded and I’ve had quite a few, including one with 300k+ miles…
Especially the older styled ones.
4x4 ftw
Too bad Ive gotta drive all day in a truck thats not a 4x4 though.
Its gonna be like 2" of snow, nothin to go nuts over lol
I did throw my chain in the cab for the winter tonight though. Maybe I can make some $ pulling retards out of ditches on the northway.
:wierd What tha fack
not quite what I said there.
yeah I know.
you putting words in my mouth again?
Ill have to decline sir.