Took some pictures today......

nikon is a good brand i want to look into the new d300’s and take a few shots to see if they fixed the blues… i personally dont like the menus in nikons but otherwise theyre good… marcus do you use any filters? polarizers? it makes some really cool effects/draws out certain colors

… or a tripod.

really nice long exposures. i did one with a moving carousel and it was pretty trippy looking.

Quite fancy there. :tup:

nice, using a tripod? some of them look a lil blurry, but :slight_smile:

I was down below the falls today too haha

i’d blow the 4th one up :stuck_out_tongue:

I just got the same camera and I love it so far. But I just switched from an S3 IS so theres no comparison there.

My thoughts exactly.
$20 tripod?
$400 lens?

I know which I’d choose lol.

I saw that Nikon released the all new D300. That looks like a sick camera. I cant justify getting one of those…just yet;) still learning on the D40x which as some huge menus as well. I think I am gonna go to the Galleria this week and get a tripod. They had some really nice ones at Ritz camera for $50.

Do you have or use a tripod? I am gonna go and get one this week.

tripod is a MUST for any long exposures… i.e. anything > 1/5

100% agreed

love the picture of your car.

Nice pics. Good compositioning too. :tup:

Thanks! I am thinking about going to Letchworth this weekend so I should have some more nice ones to post soon.

cool i went to letchworth a month ago and got some sweet shots, we can compare the seasons later on. OH and you should check out Continental Camera, on transit by walden, its more of a professional camera store and has more than anywhere in the area… they can order whatever you dont see there also…

what r u talkin about ? i’ve never heard that

Yeah I have a tripod. Def get one, well worth it!

nice shots that camera takes

you need a natural dencity filter for the water shots… I took a few over the weekend I’ll post up.

know how i know youre gay?