Well, don’t really know what else to say. I know the rest of you probably don’t, but I post on G35Driver, and… I’ve come to the following conclusion. There are some really cool older guys and girls on there, but the younger people are douchebags, almost without exception. There’s one local guy, also has an IP coupe with black roof, that I absolutely want to kill. His car is an older automatic one with mismatched color body panels from the I don’t know how many accidents it’s been in, but the homo put some Lambo wannabe kit on his car.
This front:
This rear:
And he posts shit like this:
I’d compare him to someone on SON, but I’m pretty sure if we ever had a person like this, we would’ve made fun of them until they either changed their ways, or committed suicide.
Like, I love the car and all, but whenever I see twatwaffles like that… I really want to sell it.