your a ’ sport truck’ driver… that’s what you are… :lol:
Bob stop being a pussy and post what you drive I mean, guessing is fun and all, but it’s not.
He picked up an S10 with an LS7.
:shock: You lie.
:shock: Yup.
Haha, starting a new type of class…
If you don’t know yet, it probably because you don’t come out to the East End Meets enough…
Not my problem…
Justin maybe next year ya?
Haha, fair enough. I guess I better start coming out then. I’ll try and drop by this friday, but I’m in Cuba next friday. If not, I’ll definitely drop by as soon as school starts, in my new whip :shock: Bet you can’t guess what it is :lol:
Here’s the problem… this Friday is Cayuga and I’m rolling early Friday… so I guess it would be the weekend after Cuba which would be first week of school…
Guess you’ll have to wait for next year…
Or just come to whiteby.
Where you staying in Cuba? Let me know how you like the food.
Varadero, and why, you cooking?
I’m guessing you don’t go to school in the GTA then? Cause I’ll still be able to go to meets when school starts. Ah well, next year it is.
We strayed off topic, so moved.
umm a nice car?
I go to school in the outskirts of the GTA…
I never took geography, what school?
the srt4 ones buzzs me out the most cuz its all true lol…
I was terrible in Geography…
The new university in Oshawa…
Aah, okay. My friend used to go there. He actually commuted :S You may have seen a 10th Anny FC there. What eng are you taking there? I was looking at it, but they didn’t seem to have anything like mech/aero.