Top 10 reasons why there are no blacks in NASCAR

(no offense to the bros out there, I just thought this was funny)

  1. You have to sit up-right while driving
  2. Your pistol won’t stay under the front seat
  3. The engines drown out the rap music
  4. Your pit crew can’t work on your car and hold up their pants at the same time
  5. They keep trying to car-jack Dale Jr.
  6. The police cars on the track interfere with the race
  7. No passenger seat for the Ho
  8. There are no sponsors for Cadillac
  9. You can’t wear your helmet sideways

And the number one reason why blacks can’t be in NASCAR…

  1. When they crash their car, they bail out and run

Ouch man thats harsh but funny…

Fuck, I love #7

hahaha thats so awsome good find :smiley:

I’ve never understood the pants thing.

Wow, thats all I have to say :o

u upset our black friend dru :axe:

How about “the pit crew forgets to put the wheels back on the car”? :E

I’ll have to try putting a helmet on sideways some time… :E


How about “the pit crew forgets to put the wheels back on the car”? :E[/quote]

Or put more succinctly:

#3 Your homies leave your car up on blocks after the pit stop. :smiley:

How about “the pit crew forgets to put the wheels back on the car”? :E[/quote]

Or put more succinctly:

#3 Your homies leave your car up on blocks after the pit stop. :D[/quote]


Nope more like you upset my buddies who were reading the monitor. No worries Mike they’ll be at the next meet. :box lol just jokes!

(Side Note) Mike it’s on for trying to pick up Camren while I was working :fencing: LOL (end of side not)