Top 5 War Movies


enemy at the gates was a good movie… just because it was based on snipers doesn’t make it horrid



Enemy at the Gates is entertaining… in a faggy Jude Law kind of way. It’s just not a war movie. Hell, The Piano is a better war movie than that.

Jarhead has sentimental value, don’t hate.

  • Saving Private Ryan
  • We were Soldiers
  • Glory
  • Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back :shrug:
  • Black Hawk Down

Suprised no one mentioned it

Patton is fantastic


Suprised no one mentioned it

Patton is fantastic



War of the worlds
Independence Day
Apocalypse Now
Saving Private Ryan
Full Metal Jacket


Buffalo Bills vs. Dallas Cowboys Monday Night


yes very true…

black hawk down
The Patriot ( the Mel Gibson one)


Enemy at the Gates is entertaining… in a faggy Jude Law kind of way. It’s just not a war movie. Hell, The Piano is a better war movie than that.


dammit jude law

your right.

I have a soft spot in my heart for snipers :frowning:

black hawk down
saving pivate ryan
the longest day
full metal jacket
the war

i cant believe no one said the good, the bad, and the ugly

fucking epic movie.


Ok guys. Star Wars, even though it has “war” in it is not a war movie. :nono:

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, while possibly being the greatest western of all time (and my personal favorite) is not really a war movie. :nono:

Whoever said War of the Worlds and Independence Day, :picard: :slight_smile:

Heartbreak Ridge!
Full metal Jacket
Black Hawk Down
Hamburger Hill

I forgot the Patriot. That’s the one i was missing on my list. Good call, 97Ranger


Ok guys. Star Wars, even though it has “war” in it is not a war movie. :nono:

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, while possibly being the greatest western of all time (and my personal favorite) is not really a war movie. :nono:

Whoever said War of the Worlds and Independence Day, :picard: :slight_smile:


dude its set during the civil war, theyre chasing after confederate gold, there are fucking war battle scenes, what more do you want?


star wars
blue and grey (never seen it)
the war scenes in spr actually sucked
anything with davy crockett teh win

man, u guys need to see some good war movies.

the Longest Day
Tora Tora Tora
Das Boot
The Great Escape
A Bridge too far
The Deer Hunter
Navy Seals
Sniper(with tom berenger)
mother fuckin TopGun bitches
Gods and Generals

then i have to agree Band of Brothers is my favorite war movie/series whatever

Starship troopers…almost forgot that one :lol:

saving ryan’s Privets, yea i know it is an old joke.
bruse campbell vs the army of darkness
the die hard seires
top gun
gladator i know it is not a war movie but it is still hot!

the deer hunter was awesome.


In no particular order:

  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Black Hawk Down
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • Apocalypse Now
  • We Were Soldiers

honorable mention to Hunt for the Red October and Jarhead.


Aside from Jarhead, well done sir