Top Gear : Bobsled vs Evo

awesome video, this show has def grown on me


wow my spelling sucks, sorry im Tired

Yes, I have like it as well.:wink:

Very cool :tup:

wow, just wow

oh and that music when they first show the EVO is non other then…

nine inch nails :slight_smile:

i miss top gear :frowning:

:tup: very cool video


EVO’s make me wet…especially WRC versions. nice post howie. that is 7 minutes of my life i didn’t mind devoting to a video.

That was awesome…

yea… but they woulda crossed the finish line upside down… because John Candy made them an inferior sled.

You and me both.

By the way it probably wont do anthing but heres a link to discovery channel viewer relations tell them what you think.

i enjoyed that video a lot, “the reputation of internal combustion is in your hands”

Just got an email back from discovery

“The “Top Gear” show was not “taken off the air” but rather ran its pattern.
> It is being revamped for a U.S. audience and will return sometime next
> year.”

Now im hopeful…

thats so pimp that they actualy replied back to you

it’s actually aphex twin’s ‘at the heart of it all’ from the further down the spiral album

wow, that was fucking Crazy. man, i like how i get all into it then they take it off over here :tdown: