Top Gear Season 21

Premiers tonight @ 8:30 on BBC America

Or for those of you who can’t wait for BBC to edit out all the fat american jokes, final gear has both episodes 1 & 2 already uploaded in SD, 720, and 1080

First episode was ok, 2nd episode was much better :tup:

who the hell can wait to watch it? I almost stayed home from the super bowl parties bc of it.

Ha, ditto

I had it downloading while the Superbowl was on, lol.

Same haha. I love that P1.

honestly, i prefer chris harris’ coverage of most of these cars now. Top Gear is fun to watch but not nearly as practical or informative.

problem is Top Gear gets everything first. Harris’ coverage is only really great when after a year or so when he gets free reign from a vehicle owner instead of just a press car.

the problem is you are watching top gear expecting a car review show, that stopped years ago, it’s way better now without being that.

Clarkson Tweeted this on Sunday:

or in other words it has jumped the shark.

the only reason the skits work is because of the credibility accrued through years of road testing, racing and the test track times…

They work because they are hilarious. Its great because I can sit down with 5 people who don’t give a shit about cars and they will be glued to the TV for the entire show.

I do hate the skits that are overly done and clearly not real.

Agreed - although some like Hovervan, are great no matter how scripted they are

yea but it jumped the shark years and years and years ago. if you really were upset about it you would have stopped watching it a long time ago. and clarkson stated that the p1 will get a lap time it just is in a future episode w the 918.


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