top gear tonight

If you consider the following:

  1. Americans in general have no passion for cars that aren’t traveling in circles sponsored by Tide
  2. We have no stateside car shows worth talking about
  3. Maybe Adam Ferrara will walk into traffic before episode 2

This wasn’t so bad. I’ll give it a 7/10 and will def be watching the rest of the season.

Granted this cant be like the OG Top gear, while it has the same name and pedigree its an american version with 3 diffreant people, and an american car market

They sound like pubescent teenagers experiancing a boner for the first time
The humor seems like it came outa grade school, granted I don’t really blame this on them, more or less on the FCC or whatever… But it would be nice to see them be able to get away with a more raunchy type of humor such as the OG top gear and BBC in general
Seems to scripted as previously stated, granted OG Top gear has a lot of scripted shit but its funny and seems almost natural, this doesn’t

And they made me feel like I had an IQ of 10 when they explained just about everything

Like I said before, If you are trying to compare the two Top Gear side by side, there is no comparison. Remember this not a show to replace the original Top Gear, fans will continue to watch the the original show no matter what. At the end of the day I am just happy too see a different car program other than something like Motorweek or shows about fixing trucks…

the skinnyier guy is a such a tooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllll holy shit

without comparing it to BBC’s Top Gear (granted this is difficult because they copied their show clip by clip) This show was downright awful. I’d rather be watching “chasing classic cars.”

video quality was awful, jokes were awful, hosts were awkward, Buzz’s interview was nothing other than “so owned this type of car”, the cobra skit was cheesy and forced, the “reviews” were worthless with no technical details or negative observations whatsoever.

hopefully the next one will be better. Will it be on next week?

I dont like the hosts at all, is it weird to say they seem too American for Top Gear?

i did notice the lack of negative reviews. I want someone on this show to tell me how much rubish the gear box is, in the viper.

i like the mesh between the 3 guys tho, they seem to be willing to bust chops.

this show need’s to improve the editing of the car reviews, and they need to start to lose the scripts. all in all tho this first season will have a lot more lows then highs, but i will still be watching.

now as for why people don’t like this american version like the UK one, here is why

Clarkson can do a car review with a reliant robin and spend 20 mins trying to tell you why it’s awesome, and all you can do is laugh at the entire skit until you cry and pass out. the american one will NEVER be able to do that


For all the haters out there - think back to your first day on your current job. If you didn’t know anyone there and were new to the job - were you all fun and games or a little serious and nervous? Probably the latter.

I like the guy with the mole, the other 2 I still dont like though.

The show wasn’t bad at all. I don’t really like how they copied a lot of stuff from the UK Top Gear (“All we know is, he’s called the stig!” :facepalm) but the Cobra vs Viper was pretty damn cool as well as Buzz driving the Suzuki on the test track.

Top Gear UK

Season 1 Episode 1 of the NEW series (the old one was even more dreadful).

For comparison sake.

Take Jezza out of it and the show would be dead in a season…

Same grade I gave it :lol

I think the show would be a #1 hit if Mike Row was commentating on it instead of the hosts.

^^ absolutely. Even better…if Mike were to replace one of the hosts, then just make shit up about the cars as he sees fit and leaving the other two idiots to correct hi in some off-script jargon.

Turned it on, watched for ten minutes, then said fuck this and went back to watching Walking Dead. Watch it at 11pm and realized I didn’t miss much.

Mike rowe could make this show lol.

I didn’t like it. Too many times where I thought “wow, scripted as fuck”. Just put some douches in the cars and let them talk shit.

My vote on the show is that it’s the equivalent of Fresh Prince of Bel Air Episode 1.

Has all the right elements in it, but all the characters and production needs polishing to be perfect.

What might help it improve, besides the host being more relaxed and less scripted is that they won’t have to introduce everything like the Stig and “Big Star In A Little Car.”
While you guys are all car guys and it seems like most of you have watched the UK version, many Americans don’t get BBC America or have never watched the UK version. For those of us that have been watching for a long time, it’s hard to compare the two without being derogatory towards the US attempt. Give it some time and hopefully, the issues will sort themselves out.

Is this up anywhere I can watch it yet? And no, I have not even bothered to look yet.

Too soon junior. would have been your place to check… but according to my browser, their shit got fucked.

So, no.

I’ll give you a too soon junior.

Like I said, Australian TG didn’t come out too bad by the third Episode.

Plus the guest is hot, and Aussie accent = :drool