top gear tonight

News is here!

I’m laughing so far.

I see no problem with that.

Last episode a merc was FEATURED, made fun of and merc didn’t sponsor that episode. That means they arent afraid of making fun of sponsors.

I loved that you really couldn’t fake that, the wheel was turned away at first and then turned back into the cutlass. Pure gold.

The bashing of google maps was awesome

Featuring Tony Hawk’s Hennessey Jeep SRT8 was obviously the best part of tonights show!

the bigger host doesnt seem to know too much and their test track needs to be paved

Last night was not a total rip off of the beater segment the OG top gear did or anything :rollseyes

I swear i felt like I was watching the OG but with worse personality’s

IDK last nights episode felt like a step backwards from the last couple of episodes

I want the raptor though, things fucking sick (that was from last weeks episode, but i missed it so i watched the re run last night)

I saw one on State street on saturday night. SOOOOO sick. Had a henessy sticker on it too.

…haven’t seen it yet…will have to check out the link above.

But I’ll just leave this here:

They didn’t. They showed a picture of a stock SRT8 on the tv behind them during the interview. Same pic you can get from KBB when you look the truck up.

3 guys, reviewing cars and doing challanges together, and a random guy in a white suit.

Total ripoff.



I can say that I enjoy the American Top Gear. I find it entertaining and fun. Do I enjoy it as much as the original? No. But it’s way better than any other American car show.

Thats not what im saying

It’s the fact that in this particular challenge (beaters) seemed like a complete clone with shitty personality of the original

Have you watched it yet vlad? I’m telling you as soon as you do you will agree with me

i agree

The UK will always be the best in my heart and no one is as funny as jeremy

I saw them all. I’m well aware of the episode, their suspension test track had cobble stone instead of grooves.

I just don’t get how you are getting mad at the show with the same name and same format and same testing principles for ripping off an idea.

Poorer execution? Maybe - questiontable, sure.

He watched it last night, so I’m pretty sure he doesn’t agree with you.

WTF is wrong with people… Everyone wishes they were more like the UK version, but get pissed when they “take” things from it. Compare season 1 of UK Top Gear to the US version, I’m pretty sure most on here would prefer the US at that point.

It’s a worthy substitute so far.

At this rate the Uk version will have a 4 episode season this time, and I’ll need something to watch in the mean time that’s not attrocious.

Being more like the UK top gear would be nice, more of a “casual” personality… Able to get away with a little more raunchy humor and less censorship… and feeling less clammed up and talking to the world like their 2 year olds… MORE POWER

I don’t want it to be exactly like the UK top gear, it just wouldent feel right, but i would like them to branch off and become their own personalities, and would it kill for a little originality?

It’s the fact that they ripped that whole episode off of the oringal, if i watched them back to back they might have differences, but seriously as soon as I started watching the challenge it felt like they just killed it by copying it.

Honestly vlad, i really thought you would have agreed with me, and given your alwayys working i figured you wouldent have seen it yet… IDK, i just think they took a step backward with this episode vs the 4 previous ones

They are an entirely different crew, with different personalities, that should be original enough, ironically that’s what they are getting picked on the most, is for not being the same. It seems you can’t please everyone.

I just don’t get the mind set. They are not replicating it, and they are not being too far off the original entertaiment. Structure was the same, but you put 3 entirely new people with 3 completely different cars to get a completely uncomparative testing to the original.

The only part that’s the same is the format, which has to be the same since it’s the same show. If they didn’t do testing like that they would be flamed for not doing used car testing…

btw the uk is having a x-mas special, no clue when it’s airing as the commercial doesn’t say.

The music in the show is really bad. Turned it off last night half way through the Buick/Fiero/whatever film because I had enough of it.

Airs tomorrow night. Won’t be long before it hits FinalGear.