The episode redeemed itself during the last 2 minutes. omghi2jack
note to self… when on a road that i have to get special permission to be on, and in a fast luxury car… do not slow down for black vans gaining at high rates of speed
After a piss poor prison break, I was ready to call 2 lame episodes in a row. Now I’m pumped for next week. Jack is a wife beater!
what about Tony? is he pushing up daisy’s?
i learned one thing from this episode…
ask for full immunity before saying anything…
Anyone have any ideas what the next target is? It’s a secure distribution center that can kill 200k people. It kinda limits the targets but I can’t figure it out.
and be a HOTT chick.
tony is dead, they showed him getting draped in the first 5 mins
that rat fuck henderson is trying to kill palmers brother…not to mention he talked about “opening pandoras box”…ive heard some crazy ass rumors that audreys father is the one who sells out the US secrets, and now of course audrey will hate jack and ctu again now that he whups the shit out of her…
theres gonna be some FUCKED UP SHIT at the end of this season…now the chinese, russians, and the fucking germans hate the US…
Cop: You were doing 50 mph over the speed limit, your liscense is going to be revoked.
You: Give me immunity signed by the president and I’ll tell you what you want to know…
Cop: (blank stare, walks to his car and back) Come with me son.
You: Fuxored
The molester van musta been :tspry:ing y0…it pulled the luxo badly
Who saw Jack pinning Audrey against the wall in next week’s preview :lol: :tup:
as soon as he threw her against the wall i turned to mygirlfriend and said, “i guarantee she is gonna fuck him after that” Sreiously any broad that has been with jack definitely enjoys getting tossed around.
wow! i knew i missed something big.
yea tony was killed by henderson last week
wtf was plamers brother doing, he is the slowest driver in the world.
is that crazy hooker broad trying to set up audrey, or do you think she really sold some information? is audrey a traitor or is she being set up by someone else?
i think there are more questions now than answers,
i have a feeling that the german agent is going to be pissed and try to get revenge, this season is going to get very complicated
i dont care about speeding tickets…
:snky: nice ninja edit
I had noticed tony’s actor’s name (carlos bernard) in the credits in the opening.
I do hope I get to see them again. wouldn’t be the first time a CTU agent died and undied.
wacky, thy name is 24
he’s dead man
^^ he’s right, let it go brother.