That tree had little president logan ornaments on it.

ughhhh i HATE the ending…
I NEED to watch season 6 now… already…

It was released today:


Looks like it’s still going to be the best show on TV.

:tup: Jack Bauer > Chuck Norris

move this to the official 24 thread


Done. I still need to see seasons 2-5.

i have 1-4 if you need to borrow then! always willing to lend to a fellow 24 fan… ahem as long as your local…

Jack baur is so tough he just punched me in the face through my monitor.

i hope jack baur is the father of my son…

when the boogie man goes to sleep at night, he checks his closet for jack bauer.

jack bauer doesn’t go hunting for the implication of the word involves the possibility of failure. jack bauer goes killing…