I don’t know what this ringer sounds like.
They have the one from the first 3 seasons and the mp3 one i believe is the one from 4 and 5
omg omg omg om g omg omg omg omg omg omg
i sooo called she was going to get into the car…
that ctu guy is such a dick
word, he is just pissed about his sister being a crackwhore and the prez leaning on him to find canisters. At this rate everyone is going to be in containment.
at leat in next weeks previews it looks like curtis is going to put an end to that BS len is pulling in CTU
and i really wish someone would pick off logan, i dont like him either. he is such a little panzy
i like the way you put that.
Curtis is the fuckin man. Does ANYONE remember a show on Sci-fi called First Wave? The Actor who plays curtis was in that show and was very good, and is also a good actor in 24.
I want to see the hobbit get knocked the fuck out
bump cause 24 is better them LOST and it is not a sticky!
i bet if an anonymous donation hit howie account we can perswayhim to sticky this thread
i wonder who will betray jack…
lol…i wish my work binder was really a bomb…jesus…
can you believe this guy^ Two hours next week! GO Curtis(sp?) i wish he would have put a bullet in that dudes head.
lol… soemthing will come back up because he got his access card stolen… they wont leave that door open
of course something iwll happen i fell in lov with curtis all over again
I was thinking that myself
man this episode was just so-so but im so pumped for 2 hourse next week, it looks liek next week is going to be very important. Thank god Lin is finally gone (hopefully for good), and yes pres Logan still sucks at life and couldnt make a decision if it was paper or plastic at the grocery store
We all know better. He also thinks DSMs are cool so…
BTW Chloe is on shredd and ragen right now.
that attack on the motorcade was nuts though… the terrorists (chechen / russian nationals?) way outgunned themselves at the beginning. they had the surprise, and some hefty firepower, just not enough men.
after watching that attack, plus the other stuff that has happened during the show, I have come to the conclusion that aaron = The Man. I mean, c’mon! how many terrorists did he get after his limo got hit by an anti-tank rocket?! guy must clink when he walks.
2 hours next week, psyched. :tup:
I almost forgot to mention, if jack bauer is as tough as he is, what about the guy who recuited jack? Fuck he knocked jack the fuck out!! I cant wait to see whats gonna happen. Im not to psyched about the 2 hour episode because that means one less week of 24 in the long run…Fox should kidnap their families and make the show rin year round and change it to 365.
Jack is going to be pissed now with his former boss. Thats going to be some bad shit going on right there.
My question…when does Jack go to the bathroom?
lol who needs to go to the bathroom when you never eat or drink :gotme:
Water can only go 3 days without jack bauer.