ya hopefully next year we will be able to more and have them on Saturdays and Sundays

I’m hoping to make it out to this. Fingers crossed!

that’d be boss…

I am lame I am only hearing of this now… I’m gonna try and make it.

DUE TO THE COST OF EVERYTHING AT THIS POINT THE TIRE CHANGING WILL BE $25.00 FOR UNLIMITED TIRE CHANGES BOYS! the tire guy needs to cover gas, time etc etc. This is still extremely cheap!

getting close boys! who’s pumped???//


gunna have a wicked parteehhhhh tonight boys show up, if you know whats up

Aaaanndd the video review should be up by tomorrow fags :wink: hope u like drum and bass cus there is none

---------- Post added at 12:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 AM ----------

Enjoy the highlights:

Great driving :wink:

wowww! i def missed out on this one big time

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to personally thank everyone for coming out and supporting TOPP all season. You have NO idea how good it makes us feel to have so many people coming out. LIKE SERIOUSLY 58 DRIVERS YESTERDAY with chances of rain?! INSANE!!!

You guys are all sick! We can’t wait for next year and it’s only going to get bigger we’re going to be doing some Friday night couple hour events like 5:30-Dusk sort of deal and have a grand ol’ time . 13’ is going to be wild with more days more parties and more good times.

1 rule we have to enforce for next year TAKE YOUR TIRES! We got left with about 20 tires again yesterday and people have to start taking them when you remove them, we need your help boys.

Either way GREAT SEASON see you all in 13’ let the good times roll…


^ +1 more of the black zenki with 350z wheels :slight_smile:

contact a local tire shop, they get paid by mcguinty to take them.

Here are a few cell shots from yesterday. It was great to see so many guys show up. Whats a better way to end the season then ending with a rod knock… Time to rebuild and come back bigger and stronger next season!

Such a solid day once the track dried out.