TORNADO 8/7/8 behind Lowes Springville

Pictures coming. (Hopefully)

Useless thread without pics man cmon

:lol: If a tornado hits Wal-Mart I demand pics of AWDrifter dancing in the rubble!

I was out taking some pictures of the storm last evening as well. Pretty impressive.

someone check on my house

was this yesterday or today?? i know the date is today but just checking

good lord! anyone else think that just in the past year the weather his hit the shit and just completely changed how it normally effects us?

i feel like this year has had the most hail storms, lightning storms. even the clouds look…well i dont no, different or darker. something.

i also remember being a little kid and going outside in the winter and never being without snow. even if it didnt snow for like 2 weeks, their would still be some on the ground. now we are lucky if we even get 2 inch and it sticks for a while. and if we do get the 2 inches, people are starting to turn into how the south is when they drive on it or talk about it. i remember getting like ft a day, sometime day after day to. i no its probably because of global warming but still. in one year mainly it seems like its changed alot

im guessing yesterday, if you open the link it says the date of when it was taken in the bottom right.

This might have been last night.
A guy just told me it just happened but you know how that goes.
We just had a real bad storm roll through so I think he was assuming it just happened.

It has been crazy this year how spotty the storms have been.

Some Springville resident is going to be so happy he’s on the news…sounding like an idiot trying to describe what the tornado sounded like…

Guarantee the words “freight train” make an appearance.

Stupid hicks.

last night at like 8 it was crazy in east otto.(sub 10 min south of springville)… i just had my hay cut and after the wind from last night its not there anymore… not my problem i got paid for it :tup: but 4doorbabe was mowing the lawn and got cought in the rain it came out of nowhere

The pictures I just got are the same ones in the link.:smash2:
The guy sounded like he just took them himself.:smash2:

he must work for you :tup:

you hiring?

On a totally unrelated note, it turns out when you’re a moderator you can’t have an ignore list. :tdown:

No comment.
And yes we are hiring.

you dont like me anymore…

Phone pics of the storm coming in over my Parents house:

Nice shots but anyone have any more pics?


:ohnoes: that looks really bad /sarcasm.