Torrent client

trying to try another client cause i am getting aggravated at the one i use now (azureus/Vuze)

anybody have any suggestions of a god client to use?


yea no kiddin thanks for that advice when i was overseas, cuz azureus did NO help to me




I have no idea why Azeurus is as popular as it is, it’s complete rubbish in terms of performance.

utorrent as well

utorrent is the best.

utorrent est numero une in my heart

all of those are good aaron

fuck utorrent, searchtorrent for life

Does utorrent use java? Azureus consumes far too much system memory…


i really have to start using utorrent. i have it, i just dont use it.

is utorrent really all that good compared to other ones? i use bitcomet and am curious if ill get faster downloads if i start using this utorrent program.

Yeah its very good. Just do it already.