torrent sites?

Anot here use a good reliable torrent site for “downloads” Free or charge is fine, I’m looking for something safe and reliable.

also anyone here that does use torrents have a good program they like to use in particular. Like I use Bit Zip…

i use utorrent and get torrents from the site It usually works really well.

torrent fox for firefox, or just go to

i use isohunt works great for me

TimeWarner offers free access to Usenet + Newsleecher ($3/month) = 1MB/sec download with no upload :banana

The Pirate Bay is always a good bet, that’s where I get mine from. I manage them with BitLord though, didn’t know FF had a plugin that managed torrents!!

Just so you guys are aware, the RIAA/MPAA are suing people for uploading, not downloading - instead of suing everyone who downloads, they’re trying to cut the head off the snake by removing everyone who uploads files, so that there will be no one to download from. The torrent protocol requires you to upload, so you run the risk of getting into legal trouble.

Switch to Usenet, guys.

1MB/sec download - I rarely got over 500kb/sec for anything other than Linux .iso files (only because everyone shared them, due to them being 100% legal)
No upload (the protocol has been around longer than the Internet, and no one has ever been sued for using it)
Almost everything you can find in torrents can be found with Usenet (TW has 90-day retention, so as long as it’s somewhat recent, you can find it)