What torrent sites do u use?

only one i use is Btjunkie, but im lookin for a nother good one. im starting to not like it so much so what do u use?

I just google. Like if I want gay pr0n, I just google “gay pr0n torrent”



gotta get away from torrents… but if you insist:


all littered with spyware and all the other baddies…

mininova.org and fulldls.com

what.cd & bitsoup

yea bitsoup is tits for movies and TV shows

bitsoup, torrentz


not my super :snky: private site…I heart it to death…over 700gigs in 3.5 months…mmmm Something around 350 DVDs so far

sharethefiles.com with emule always real files,hi def movies.PRetty much find anything on there.

why tease :frowning:

unless you wanted to PM… :slight_smile:

hahaha it wouldn’t be so private if I told everyone duuhhh but for you I guess you can haz PM

for the sex!


gotta stay private… sorry nigga :gtfo:

only cause you are skunks BF

seriously though I am not giving this out to just anyone

It searchs mininova,isohunt,piratebay and all that shit

wasn’t the pirate bay involved in some sketchy stuff
