DVD Torrent Site

This is one of the better DVD torrent sites I am on.

TIL SUNDAY ONLY OPEN SIGNUP then it is invite only


Everything is ripped, no Xvids, all VOB files. :tup:

Enjoy and as with all private trackers, they do ban for hit & runs but they are pretty good with their system.


thanks ryannnnnnnnnnn

Yeah you know it. I like to keep things private, but the few of you who will use it and won’t get banned will be thankful :wink:

thanks dude!

thanks signed up…Might actually upload a couple dvds myself. THe one torrent I’m downloading now is pretty slow though.

Oh there is porn there …

so we cant just DL a bunch?? they dont like that?? … does that mean i need to upload??

With torrent 99% of the time if you are downloading you are also uploading…just make sure you have a .7 ratio.

lol … i have a 5gb cap on my interweb per month so i dont think ill be doing much

:wink: def not the site for you lol

Looks alright…

Decent download speeds, most of my torrents are exceeding a MB/s.


It keeps saying I have entered wrong confirmation code.

Is this shit serious?


Some people really should just stick to renting.


Awesome thanks :tup:


VERY nice, thanks for the heads up man :beer:


Oh snap. I see Blu Ray rips. :tup: