Pittspeed Is Dead

So let me understand this, if I don’t have a slow car, then I am irresponsible?

My truck has had the shit pounded out of it for the last nine years/30k miles with little to no troubles on the street. The only major issue I have dealt with is the clutch, and that ain’t bad for this amount of time/miles. Sure it isn’t the fastest thing on the street, but it runs damn good for an old truck. I will also state that I didn’t build it cheap, either (I may have more in my motor/transmission than most have in a whole car). I probably could have gone faster for less $$ (actually most definitely could have), but who cares? If I can afford it, then I can do what I want. I enjoy it and that is all that matters to me.

If I put every last dollar into my vehicle & let the mortgage get behind or my kid didn’t get fed, that is irresponsible. I know a few people who cannot put food on their table, yet still sit in a bar almost every night (most alcoholics would rather drink/smoke all their money away - at least I have something to show for my investment). I am not in any way against occasional social drinking BTW. I am talking about true alcoholics, and probably not anyone that would participate on an online forum.

I can afford to enjoy my hobby, as well as put food on the table for my family. Therefore I will enjoy my hobby for the foreseeable future, as long as I can.

Agreed completely.

I also Agree with Mike (Quik83Z). Just because you get married, doesn’t mean you give up all your personal interests. If you do, then shame on you. A good balance of hobbies/family is a must.