Toshiba FTW

So im sitting at my desk and the Toshiba repair guy walks over and goes im supposed to say your sherm with the siqqqq Fbody…

Thanks Denton and zwarbyt



Haha nice.


hahahahah thats awesome

i wonder how they described you to him so he could find you :stuck_out_tongue:

Hahahahahahaha…I bet you were a bit shocked he “knew” who you were :wink:

i said “look for the siqqqest dude there who looks like teh shermenator”

the tech also said “fbod? like fagbody?” :rofl:

It was funny cause the guy was def older in his 40s…


Its also not hard to find the redhead kid in charge of IT at the Sabres…


It was funny cause the guy was def older in his 40s…


That old ? Holy shit! :bloated:


That old ? Holy shit! :bloated:


lol well seeing how 98% of the people on this forum are 19-25

LOL again