i had the lg voyager and then a blackberry 8830, then a palm treo 755p and now a blackberry 8330
lg voyager is heavy, screen scratched super easy, the phone would randomly turn off, typing a text on the front is a pain. having to open it to text kind of eliminates one hand texting. it froze a lot and sometimes the touch screen didn’t work. if you used the touch screen a lot or web at all the battery died very fast. you pretty much pay for the price of a PDA/BB data package if you get the vcast. i think it was like 15 bucks and pda/bb range from 24.99 to 49.99 for data packages. i did like the full web pages tho.
blackberry 8830 (world edition), well the only thing i didnt like was no camera.the blackberry software is really nice. the scroll ball is nice. its a little wide. the keys were all next to each other so sometimes i would hit 2 letters at once.
Palm Treo 755p, the touch screen wasnt bad, had to use the stylist a lot. it froze alot. it is heavy and thick. the touchscreen would sometimes go crazy. the palm software i didnt like. it looked like a little kids toy
Blackberry 8330 (curve), honestly i love this phone. it has a camera, and the blackberry software is awesome. its thin and light. the camera is a 2.0 with flash and light for video. no touch screen but the scroll ball is fast. email and blackberry messanger is very nice.
all and all the blackberrys were the best phones i had