touch-screen nav stereo system for 350z needed

…if it doesn’t look ^^ that sleek, then i’d rather do nothing at all.

^have you decided on which unit your going to purchase?

about 1g depending on how fancy you want it…some guys just add the touchscreen to their laptop and plug in when they get into the car…
audio outputs to the factory deck and away you go…
so it can be cheaper than 1 g too
laptop for $500
touchscreen for $250
then get your software…lots of it is free or readily downloadable from the “special” sources

definitely don’t want to go the laptop route. want something sleek & installed in-dash.

it is sleek…just the laptop goes under the passenger seat into a “holster for when you are driving”…

the laptop is set to “on even when closed”
you plug in the touchscreen
and teh usb hub you are running…then tadaa!

full carputer that cannot be stolen cause the computer goes into the house with you when you get home

just the additional screen stays in the car like what you seen in the earlier links…

laptop carputer usually means 3 or 4 plugs to pop and your done the install or removal

if you already have a laptop just get another power supply and 12V inverter to start…then run the earphone outs to your deck…

voila 250gig ipd and windows and 10" widescreen GPS and video and DVD and etc etc etc…for about $1k

Not sleek at all. Without mentioning the obvious fact that it’s a big ass audio/power cord to deal with every time you want to move the thing around, can you imagine trying to change the track while driving on the 407 at 130kmh???
Hold on, let me just reach under the seat… under my passengers feet that’s in the way… Passenger screams AHHHHHHHH while she gets up quickly enough to notice that she’s in the guard rail or rear ended another car.

Or even if her friends ask her just to bump some bigger beats while on the road or even the side of the street. Can you imagine the bitch to have to go and pull that shit out?

I don’t know about you, but I hate carrying in my laptop in the case in and out of my car after work, before work, etc. My car’s low and I don’t want to fubar my laptop in the laptop case while moving in and out. Imagine that out of the case all the time.
Everything about that setup screams NO!!! Wires Everywhere and a Holster, if your chosen route, will not tuck away nicely. I don’t care if you’re on Pimp My Ride that’s not gonna happen.

check out
dese guys have some great gear…
but you gotta go in person to chek out all da stuff dey got for audio…
also their prices arent too high, you may be able to save a some cash…

That is really is a good accessory and I would also like to opt with it .