Tough Mudder (Wounded Warrior Fund Raiser)

Thumbs up to your sister! and to you for being proud of her. She’s doing great things it sounds like.

Im signed up for the Tough Mudder in Buffalo this summer…July I think. Should be a lot of fun.

cougarspeed: what one are you doing in april?

---------- Post added at 01:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 PM ----------

Been signed up for months pussaay lol get on it.

Cool stuff but that much cardio is for the birds. I was looking into them once and I think on their training recommendations they say you should be able to comfortably run 10 miles before trying one of these? At least on the plus side there would be no fatties at the after party. Only fit muddy chicks.


Paul, fuuuuuuuuuuu! You on a team? I may try to get a small team of 5 going. I’m more worried about upper body strength over cardio. I’ll just keep in mind all the muddy fit chicks who will make it to the end, its gotta be worth something.

---------- Post added at 01:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 PM ----------

I like this. :tup:

No sir, I never had a pool, and never went to a school with a pool til high school

I wish I was in good enough shape to do this… I am not :frowning:

4 months may just be enough time, but I am not sure if I have enough drive or time to devote to being less fat and old.

No doubt. It’s really not as hard as they make it out to be…from what I’ve heard lol. If you cant make an obstacle, you just go around it lol And you’re not runnnig 10 miles straight. A lot of times you have to stop and wait a while for people to clear the obstacle and what not. Obviously it’s hard, Im not saying its not hard, but dont get get yourself worked up about it. People in much worse shape thatn you or I have made it through. It’s relaly about team work and helping each other through it, even if someone isn’t on your team.

Yea, im on a team with guys from the NF Air Force Base. Corinne may even join our team lol

Hmm… I like your advice. I have 4 months to lose another 40lbs, but can only run 3 miles at a time right now. This does seem doable by July…

Thats the boat I am in… It is achievable as there is some good time still, but it will take a real solid commitment.

If you’re a total noob, I would probably reccomend running a warrior dash before attempting a tough mudder.

Yes it will. In Oct, I couldn’t run a full mile without dying… Now I am up to 3mi, and 43lbs lighter. It’s going to take a huge commitment to drop another 40 and get up to 6-7 miles by Jul… I should start a fat guy team

My roommate is signed up for this one. Sounds like a bunch of people are in. $175 a pop is a lot, I hope most of it goes to the charity.

I’ll stick to warm, dry, indoor weightlifting lol

As of right now it is $125 until March 7th or 8th I believe.

I actually ran one in October last year after I wrote this. My sister and I ran at englishtown raceway park. It was a total ass kicker. We walked and pounded beers with a huge group of her friends, took like 6 hours to do the entire course. Lots of stops for laughs, beers, shots and bananas. Arctic enema fucking suuuuucked. I’m also in for the Buffalo one.

The closer you get too the date, the higher the price. I paid 95 total. That includes a military discount.


i did the warrior dash in phoenix last spring.
i know its not as intense as a tough mudder but i really just wanted to see if i could finish since i do ZERO cardio ever.
it was 104 degrees and not a cloud in the sky to provide shade from that brutal sun

i ended up finishing 420 out of 1669 overall and 198 out of 646 in my class

For the tough mudder you time yourself on a wristwatch and top how ever many times get invited to worlds toughest mudder where you run the course as many times as possible over a 24hr period. The 2 time consecutive winner is an asian dude that ran it 8 times this year in 24 hours. At night I guess the temps dropped to near freezing, eff that.

Starting to not sound so bad…

bump My bro and I just signed up. So far we have 5 guys on our team.

Signed up with a crew (almost 10)

Can we get a list of whos going?

How do you guys keep your big swinging dicks from getting tangled up in your shoes when you run? That’s some serious hard as a muther fucker activity. A big tip of the hat to anyone who does one of these.