Town of Pendleton Residents.... Help!

So one of my good buddies owns a house and piece of land on Tonawanda Creek next to the Pendale subdivision where he has made a small motocross track for him and a few people to use. This started in the late summer and now he is currently being SUED for $2.5 million by residents of the neighboring subdivision for loss of quality of life. (one of them is a lawyer who moved to town <two years ago) The cops have shown up numerous times and have basically said that theres nothing we can do to you about it as long as you shut it down at a decent time, be respectful etc.

Now the lawyer from Pendale is petitioning to ban the use of all recreational vehicles in Pendleton (including snowmobiles), which would cut off the sections of trails that run through here and shut down the small amount of remaining ATV trails in the area and limiting the use on your own property. There is a hearing on November 24th at the Pendleton town hall and I would really appreciate if any of you guys would be able to come out and support the group of us who don’t want to lose what we have left here. There was a hearing this past week that was somehow kept quiet and I’m not sure what happened, but there is another shot on the 24th. We already have a fairly large group planning to go, but the more we have the better it looks. Thanks for the support!

News Article:

Unbelievable… these assholes move out to the “country,” then complain about the noise/smell/whatever and expect everyone to change to suit their needs. I’ll be there for sure.

It really does blow my mind some of their expectations. I always worry about new neighbors because of how much I am in the garage. I had a neighbor before who would call the cops frequently because he could hear my car running at like 3-4 in the afternoon. This was RX7 build days. New neighbors are all super legit.

I’ll be there.

At least you don’t do “hey my car shoots flame its 3am who wants to see” anymore

Yeah now I stop at 1am :slight_smile:

Yeah til you knocked on his door lol.

ill be there.

keep note the meeting is at 7pm, not 730 like many of the original facebook posts say.

so the track is on his own piece of land, that he owns? as long as the track isn’t built closer than 300’ to a residence they have no legal leg to stand on…at least that was the stipulation I remember from when I looked into buying land for a private practice track in genesee county.

Yes it is 100% on his own property

Is it the new neighbors or the domestic faction?

Sheesh. :choda:

Where is this development?

Pendleton has been slowly changing into the suburbs anyway.

still claims to be a country community.

pendale is on tonawanda creek east of campbell blvd, sits right next to the powerlines.

So the long rectangle is his property, and you can kind of see the track right behind the house. The residents that have complained of dust on their homes are in the two circled areas not anywhere near the main area of track. Its primarily ridden after a good rain storm so the dust claims are definitely bogus, any of you who ride would understand that riding in a dust cloud fucking sucks.

Shitty. Power lines was always a great area to ride trails off of too

I should add that his parents (who are the ones being sued, even though he is the homeowner??) live in the same development that is complaining about it, and have been there as long as I’ve known them at least 10+ years I believe

In America, if you do something that’s out of the norm, people call the cops. That’s how it is.

Oh you were inconvenienced? You DESERVE some sort of fiscal reward.

I’m gonna really try to make it.

My GF’s brother lives in that neighborhood. He wouldn’t ever complain about that kind of stuff. It sucks that 1 or 2 bad apples ruins it for everyone. What is the lawyers name?