track day Pictures

had a blast here are a few from my point and click…

the ride I got to rock around the track, thanks Fltblck

then there is the oh poopy what did I do:

then the OMG guys check this out:

then getting it off the track: (LawnMower stylz)

in the end at least he can smile about it:

now for the super clean:

more in Min I have to load to photobucket :confused:

Cool man, probably better suited for gen auto or OT though.

What happened to Aaron’s car? Is it just a flat?

Blew the bead right off them rim

after he pulled it off i looked it over and found a rather clean looking slice on the inner sidewall of the tire. noone reported anything on the track so it might have been partially cut already, but it let go on the track allowing the outer bead to come off

the rim is missing a chunk… it’s hard to say if the rim or the tire caused the issue… either way you just have to call it the cost of doing business and move on.

pretty sure the chunk was from it sliding / contacting the track after it blew / lost bead.

no Z pic? :smiley:

all in due time.

some more… god photobucket is sooo slow…

a few from the cruise Up:

they are pics, not pic’s

the pictures do not possess anything

edited just for you :stuck_out_tongue:

and added more pics to last post

thanks, I feel better now :slight_smile:

oh. that was badnewsmini taking pics out of the e36. i was riding shotgun in the red wrx. i thought you looked familiar. lol.

Impact to hard the slice is probably just where the weakest point in the tire.

^^^ huh ?

any pics of the mini?

I do Mike :slight_smile:

I was using MPD’s lens which neither of us had a filter of any kind for so I kinda had to improvise with the backdrops, and its taking long than I thought. I have Raw files if anyone would prefer that for there own use.

I will have more later :wink:

Kick ass ian… did my suggestion help by moving back?

Thanks and yes. also Mr deturk’s 2K lens helped a LOT. A lens which I may purchase this week haha

Those pics look great Ian. Any pics of my heavy pig?