Trading in the Si possibly....

Where are you getting your window tint done? I just had Georges in Cohoes tint my tails…and they are smoking the headlights while fixing the ss… and damn they look nice… just letting you know…

Ive always used Tony Santor at APS Enterprises, he used to own Solartech :thumbup but if I dont go through him Ill keep Georges in mind:)

Um you can definitely still change your own oil AND reset your oil service light by doing the same thing the dealer diagnostic tool does it, only you use a paperclip instead.

So…I pick her up Wed.:sHa_shakeshout:Im going with a 4 yr loan so its paid off quicker, so my payment is gonna be around $400/mo…not too bad! My payment is $300 now,so an extra 25 a week isnt gonna kill me at all. Insurance actually went down too Woohoo!!!

Damn Im gonna have to change my name on here lmao

Weird how insurance works. Id think a BMW would cost more to insure than a Civic but thats like how mine went down switching from my Hyundai to my F150 and the F150 cost more used than the Elantra did new.

Its cause of all the safety features and the 325i is more of a “family” car as opposed to a “sports car”

I ‘take home’ 1100-2200 a week depending on hours, and would not make the decision that you just did.

You’re young-enjoy the cars that you can’t afford while you can. You’ll figure it out eventually, I did.

In regards to your ticket, well, if you can’t pay out 300 dollars at a moment’s notice for an expense, that’s yet another reason that you can’t afford a higher car payment and a car that costs more to maintain.

Kids+decent credit=disaster.

Seriously how can I not afford it??? I only have $600 a month in bills and that leaves about $1400 left over to spend on whatever I want, how is that not enough?? Plus I am going to be well set very soon from other means, so please keep this thread to the car and not what you think I can and cant afford, thanks:thumbup

And why r u saying Im young , Im 24, ur 20 ? I dunno, Im not really “young”

  1. Take 600 in bills from that. 1400. Then a 400 dollar car payment. Down to 1000 for rent, fuel, food, etc. Got anything left over each month?

I’m not trying to be a dick, although I’m sure it seems that way. Just trying to give you the reality check that you need. With 2K a month take home and a child, you should be driving a 95 Corolla like mine.

That’s a decent price ($21,356) for that car with those miles. Even though it has low miles, the factory warranty will expire in a month (48 months or 50k miles). There’s no way they will get you in it at $400 a month for 48 months unless your dropping a ton of cash down. Used car rates range from 7-11% depending on your credit. Realistically, with no money down, financing the cost of the vehicle at 7% with tax and every other expense, your looking at about $560 a month. At 60 months your looking at $460 or so. You can get a newer (07-08) CPO with a full warranty and the maintenance/service plan for that much a month. Just my 2 cents.

To rando , I’m getting it for 18k plus 2k off from my trade :slight_smile:

To Travis , the 600 in bills I was refering to included my rent. I only pay 300 for rent. I split with my fiancé. I know ur not being a Dick lol but I have given it a lot of thought and I can easily afford it and deserve it. when all bills r said and done with the bimmer I will have about 1000 left over for food and gas and whatever else

^not a margin that i’d be comfortable living with out on my own but if you are thats all that matter. GL with the new wh1p.

Yeah word.

Nice car! It’s your money do what ya want!

So your 24 eh?


fuck car payments


havent had one in 7 months and i fucking love it

A reasonable one is fine, but paying out nearly 1/4 of your take home pay on a car each month is too much.

I was in her shoes for many years though, figuring out my take home pay each month, and somehow justifying a large car payment. I’m done with that though, the Corolla never had a payment and I’m making 3-5x payments each month on the Vette to pay it off.

Bottom line is I’m pretty much a homebody I don’t go out partying and I don’t really spend a lot of money either…so to me its spending money on something I really like and have wanted as opposed to wasting it and having nothing to show for it. Also the car will end up being paid off within 6 months anyways. I understand where u guys r coming from but every week I waste my money on dumb useless shit like perfume and purses etc… So at least ill have a beautiful car that I love.

Ill be 24 on Dec. 20th yay ! Going out to Albany to party everyone should go :slight_smile: