Tranny swap question & then some

Hey guys

Kind of a noob here so spare me if my questions are stupid.:frowning:

So I was wondering if I got an auto 240 and wanted to do a tranny swap myself, how much would it cost around?

Would the car behave exactly as if it were factory manual after the swap? any issues?

This might be asked around a lot but here it goes anyways? What are the major differences in 95 and 97 models? I am mainly concerned with performance because initially I won’t have any money to put towards my car.

Thank you:)

any1?? i found out it would cost 600-700 for the swap

still need the second question answered.

and im shaky about the third so i want to know besides change in styling was there any major performance improvements in kouki? or just minor ones that could be made up with in 1995 with some aftermarket parts?

I doubt there is a difference in the 95-97 model(both s14’s) but i think it would depend where you get the stuff. Kollo(John) on here was not to long ago selling his 5 speed swap for 300$. So depends on how lucky you are i guess.

I doubt there is a difference in the 95-97 model(both s14’s). I think it would depend where you get the stuff. Kollo(John) on here was not to long ago selling his 5 speed swap for 300$. So depends on how lucky you are i guess.
