Tranny Swap?

Hey guys,

Just wondering how expensive and long a Tranny swap would take. Im thinking about buying an auto, and we all know thats no fun. Also, maybe if you know anyone or could point me in the direction of where to get the parts and the work done for a descent price? Thanks boys.


man, there’s A LOT of information about 5 speed swap on the internet. a quick google search like “240sx 5 speed swap” will give you more than you need, gl.

in terms of parts, your best bet is to buy them used off someone on this forum or kijiji or something. theyre pretty cheap ~500 or less for all the parts

Thanks man, would anyone know somewhere good i could get this done, or someone for a fair price?

it probably wouldnt be cheap…better off doing it yourself if u can…lower harness, brake pedal, clutch pedal, clutch master, slave, tranny and more