auto to standard

hey guys, sorry to always bug you about these questions, but i was thinking if i were to buy a 240 and the only good ones i seem to find are auto’s, how much would it could to make an auto into a standard, also can anyone help me do this…and by help me…i mean i’ll help you :partyman:

just do an SR swap when you do it :slight_smile: Save yourself money and time in the end. For 5 speed costs your looking to spend about $600-900 to get someone to do it for ya. If your lucky and can find all the parts it can be done much cheaper. I think its a good idea to buy autos. Every one of my personal cars was once an auto.

Google is your friend!: Search “240sx 5 speed swap”

i’ve got a spare ka tranny. . .needs a 2nd gear synchro tho. . .if ur up to the swap i can give you a hand. …
