Transformer movie for 2007(sweet car used)

Thransformers the Movie (1986) > any other transformers movie
i have my copy sitting @ my house

Ha, “to punish and enslave”.

x2. I’m a huge transformers fan. I think it’s what got me into the custom car/truck scene. I always wanted a car that was more than meets the eye. To this day I can still recite scenes from the old movie. I watched that shit so much as a kid. I’m waiting to see how this new movie turns out though. I haven’t read much on it but I heard somewhere it’s going to be live action? I just wish they would use all of the classic characters but with today’s modern CG animation technology. The new cartoons where they are all animals looks cool - I just would rather see cars than a big rat. Bumblebee shouldn’t be a camero though - he was known to be a bug and not a sports car. They already have a handful of sports cars transformers.

Showtime - do you have the transformers movie on DVD or VHS?

VHS… & it has some shitty spots on it from being played so much

I never got around to picking it up on DVD.
you usually have to order it(amazon, ebay)…they don’t carry it in most stores.

Yeah, my VHS copy is fine, but I just don’t have a VCR anymore. I was looking to get it on DVD. I saw it at Circuit City when it first came out but I didn’t have any cash on me. Now I just don’t feel like spending ~$20 on it.

i don’t use the VCR anymore either…i think its packed in the basement…

check ebay…i think you can get the DVD on there in the $10-$15 range shipped.

Oh nice… can’t wait for that movie… and the camero!!

heard that camaro is on a mustang chasis

really sweet car. :bigok:


RICER! fake rotors

ya, i noticed that too…whats up w/ that?

Speaking of the Transformer movie - here is a sound clip mixed over Metallica that I have for some reason… :rofl:

[ - Metallica - One.mp3]( - Metallica - One.mp3)