Transport Tycoon. :O!!

Actaully I have a server with plenty of processing power left (for a celeron 300) :lol:. I could just run a dedicated server from that 24/7 and put a pass on it so others can’t fuck it up.

So lets get a starting time setup for this, seeing as it will need to be running for a bit over a day so we can finish this from the very beginning. :tup:

Hmm, well I’m out of town Friday - Sunday. So we can either start tonight, or next week? It’d be nice to get 3-5 people who wanted to play.

I’d rock it online… but furst… I gotta figure the game out it’s been awhile since i’ve played.

yeah, I still dont know what the hell im doing. I can get trucks to pick shit up and put it in storage? other than that I have no idea.

Ok, the basics of the game is just setting way points. Certain types of trucks(trains, planes) will only do certain things. So you build either a good station or a passanger station and then assign the proper vehical to goto that station. From there you need some place to deliver said goods (people, valuables, livestock, etc). So you need another station to tell the trucks to goto and deliver said goods. You then recieve cash depending on how long it took for the goods to arrive, and how far they traveled. Then there are subsides on top of that, which if you fulfill by a certain date, you can a multiplier on your cash. Let me know if you guys need any help and ill try and explain stuff.

If by tonight you mean midnight-2AM, then I’d be down. Havn’t played with the dedicated server portion of it yet though.

Yeah, that’s what I meant, I’ll be online for a few more hours. If you wanna hit me up on AIM I’ll PM you my screen name.

Btw, a guide to playing the game/walkthrough.

More of a summary of what goes where:

Bump, I have a server up if anyone is interested.

Name: The CastleBoat
Years 1950-2051

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Fuzzym I’m on your server and I suck. I dont know how to use trains or boats, just trucks and planes… :frowning:

I think I got dropped from it, and its not taking my password now…

We’re in there playing now if anyone wants to join.

:frowning: I can’t get back in

Why not?

Error message please: I can fix it from work but I need to know what is going on!

Copy & Paste it then, or look it up. :stuck_out_tongue:

Rofl, I just docked my company worth from 80 million to 30 million in one month. But I funded 3 new coal mines :wink:

Yeah I started way too late I had no hope of catching up. GG we’ll have to do this again in a different climate setting.

Results after 2030:

Work owned my ass,speaking of which I have to go to work now.