Travel Channel's "Off Limits" v. Buffalo, NY (Video Inside)

Figured some people would be interested in this incase you missed it on TV.

Thanks man!

Nice. Meant to watch that.

that was really good


I want to watch other episodes but it seems like it’s not on tv anymore.

yeah that was def interesting, i never knew about that place near dansville

Very interesting…

watching it now. :tup:

I grew up 10 miles from there and didn’t know exactly what it was haha.

The grain elevator part brought back tons of memories. My Undergraduate Architecture class was allowed the same access to silo city and given a rough tour by the same guy on the video. It was INTENSE to see how everything worked to say the least.

Awesome, I forgot all about this, tried downloading it off demonoid with no luck. Will watch in a bit, thanks. :tup:

No prob guys :tup:

Good watch :tup:

That is very cool. Too bad so many of those amazing buildings are off limits rather than tours being offered so people can learn and enjoy the buildings.

great watch indeed. Cool shit!


ughh soo cool. I wish these were open to the public. Having that dude go into the Mental Asylum would have been sweet too.

I thought this was going to suck, but its rather interesting. Thanks for killing some time at work. :tup:

the best part is they don’t need to clean up the buildings to give tours. I want to see it in its current condition not restored or cleaned up… just my thoughts

Ya but that would be unsafe and some one would get sued. gosh i hate our society.