travis butt spooge

Yea kid…well you didnt work in 08 so you get nothing


Ha ha weeeeeeeeeeeeeee buttsex

thats what happens when u go to Orlo.

Easy I attend the fine university you went to


School of evil whores…

you gettin some this weekend?

Whoa whores?

I wonder why youre saying that. :wink:

Jeez, idk, ask your brother about that one:rofl

I just might.


Im going there for dinner tonight. Tacos.

Good luck.

Thanks. Ive eaten there a bunch of times so maybe Im immune to the poison?

I remember her trying to cook hotdogs one time…:puke Burnt on the outside, cold on the inside:rofl

My brother handles the grilling these days.

adam, you got done dirty hahahaha

Better him than me…

Best thread ever,although if you do some ass bangin you can always give her some atm then some mouth babies…