Travis, honestly.

You don’t need to come in everyone’s thread and tell them under what conditions, or how in the past, your stupid car has/could smoke(d) them.

Nobody gives a fuck. It’s annoying, and even by admitting your car is slower overall in the same post, doesn’t make it any less annoying.

Case in point:

No. Although you’re correct, that’s retarded.

Now stfu.

Are you the offical bashing mod, who likes to start more shit?

Just let it go, no matter if yo make this thread or not, its still gunna continue no matter what.

You apprently have nothing better todo on a 70degree day.

:stfu :haha

…Hypocrite. What’re you doing? You’re critisizing someone for sitting on a computer on a 70degree day. You’re doing the same thing. Now go outside and touch your toes for the elementary school kids.

I’m working. So, yeah I have nothing better to do.

Shouldnt you be thinking of a better way to hold your intake together than packing tape or something?

Some of us have JOBS.

You guys really must love the taste of Travis’ manmeat

And this thread is just me ribbing travis and his constant talking up of his STi, or his 10MP camera :rofl

Acutally ive been riding the quads with my girl all day, i stopped in side to let them cool off, and check me emails quick.

Why dont you just ban, or limit to where he can post instead of making threads or dealing or deleting his crap?

Its duct tape, and it works GREAT ;D

Easy guys… easy…

Benny you’re something else :lol

Now what was I going to say about removing all the mods :ninja


These quads? :gay

where you riding???

Her stepdad owns 40 acres, moslty woods. most of the riding is trails of off plank rd. in troy (brunswick). and some on gypsy ln (rd?) too.

I live 5 minutes from Plank road… where do you ride on there specifically?


-1 stupidest comeback ever. (cliff)

negative. You just don’t like it cause it was against you.

it was creative AND funny. you fail

actually, it didnt matter who it was for, was just stupid.