travs b-day

instead of giving him anythin lets all help him get his car fixed and run way slower times than normal to make him think he,s fast

i might be down long as i get food lol

especially you guys joe and drew :crackup

I’m done to drink some beers in toga county if he is going out or something.

i will gladly accept all charity cases.
fixing car so i can get to/from work > night of drinking ANY day.
if i wanna get drunk i got plenty of liquor 4 feet from me right now. :giggedy

But you dont work.

had a job interview @ 430 today… went well… good possibility there.

Thats cool. Where?

phibbs… parts dept

good shit

ahhhhhh yes workin for yamaha a good bike dealership …dont fuck that one up…now who else is gonna be nice to trav and let him win

havent been hired YET.

oohhhhh i know all the guys over there…dad is a real good friend of Jerry’s

;D may have to put a word in :haha

ha ha like how trav cant ride bikes even slow ass hondas ;D

dude i need a job YESTERDAY!.. seriously.

i need a 3rd job last week

id settle for one much less 3…

Travis has a birthday??

:deadhorse :bunny

unfortunately :nana