trends of performance vehicles

it seems that alot of vehicles are being modded cause of trends. youre always going to have a intermediate chassis or pony car modded up.

but for the past 6 yrs it seems that the import crowd was the hotness and its dying off some as its not so unexpecting to be a fast import. you still get some ricers out there but as of recent it seems that the swing of things are now trucks/stationwagons. you now have trucks/stationwagons dipping into 10s that are daily driven. full weight beasts that weight in over 2 tons or more[depending on application] over a decade ago they had the two from GM typhoon and sychone but today you now have the SRT-8,SRT-10,SSS,TBSS and etc. with ppl driving the SRT-8 and TBSs times have been seen in the 12s at full weight.

now do you think the import scene will now die off some and the swing of modded trucks carry on as the imports did or what do you think?

before you laughed when an import would want to race you and you just shook your head but that same import could of made a nice 12s pass.

but now would you even think twice of racing Ms soccer mom in her station wagon and her glove box full of 12s time slips

where do you stand on this new trend

Good question. I’m starting to really like 4 door sedans. Lexus IS350,Madzaspeed 6,Volvo S60 R. Not exactly the fastest cars on the planet but still have backseat room and good looks. Only downfall to these vehicles are that they’re expensive.

i love it. i miss my sonoma. and also the Cayenne turbo and the Cayenne turbo S are sick rides.

id love to have my camaro. and a jeep SRT-8 as my two rides.

its like the bar level of daily driver is now alot faster. years ago if a DD was 15s that was quick then it was 13s was a fast DD hell now youre buying production vehicles that can do 12s and maintain everything you ask for. kinda questions your intination on modding a vehicle that is so slow to begin with when you can start off with a basis that is already there.

why spend thousands of dollars to run 13s when you can easily buy a vehicle thats already there and use that money to go faster. kinda like ppl when they buy a 600 cc bike and spend 2k in mods to gain 15 hp. they could of easily bought a middle weight or litre bike for that price in mods and have alot more power

o i hear ya on that, i would love to have a TBSS along with my truck. cars today dont really do all that much for me when a truck or stationwagon could do al the same as a car can do and then some. todays trucks/stationwagons are more plush then they were years ago.

I don’t think the import seen was ever really a heavy modded class of cars. I think “tuners” in general are now leaning towards higher end(BMW, WRX, Mazda) and larger cars. The civics have probably had here days but will never be seen as heavily as in the past. I think the “tuner” crowd is here to stay though.

as i see tuner is someone that is into autocrossing and etc. you dont see many beamers on the 1320 but you see them everywhere on the road coarse. i think the movies is what did it for the import crowd. if you remember after the first one everyone and their cousin was out making a replica.

its was a fad like everyting else, like dragging frame, thats an old played out trend. with those vehicles and what they do they lose their comfort and driviablity and lets not talk about how they tear up the pavement. just seems that if you setaside some of the situtaions youre left with trends and how long will each stay around.

like hydros and that trend it was a fad still around but its played out, same as loud paint skemes and multilayerd paint jobs. now you see mainly clean done up jobs. things like two tones which are back and are still clean as the days of old. solid normal colors and etc are always going ot be around and thought of in respect.

youll always have ppl that stick with what they like and continue as they were, but youll notice alot of ppl jumping ship. just think of how today and yesterday would be if the movies werent there. alot of us wouldnt even know what any of those cars could do or have the possiblity to do or overcome.