Trip across USA?

That’s basically the route I’m taking, just the other way around. North > West > Southwest > South > Southeast > Northeast.

The trip in the link I posted is about 9000 miles and includes some of the ‘main’ attractions. I figure if I can do everything (side trips, etc.) in 10,000 miles…I should be right around $2k in gas (based on NY prices). I do about 380 miles per tank on the highway, so that’s about 27 fillups @ $75/fill up.

As for lodging, if we need to drive a couple hours extra to reach the next destination, we will just switch drivers. But, believe it or not, I have friends in almost every major city in the US in the North East, North West, and the South.

Convertible would be nice, but I’d need to rent that.

Yeah that’s why I decided to do it. Always wanted to, but now that I’m back on the market so to speak and have no ties to anyone person and can afford to disappear for a few weeks…I’d love to do it. My friend and I are trying to find another person or two to help split the costs, but we really want to do it.


Yeah, that’s what I’m kind of thinking now. My friend wanted to hit up some of the east cities like Philly as well and that’s what I told him…that we can make separate smaller road trips to the cities closer to home.

Me, his brother (who’s now married) and him took a trip to FL last spring break and that was one of those trips you can ‘smile about’ years later. Had a freakin blast.