Trip to yellowstone(lots of pics)

Made the trip to west yellowstone ,MT the other week for a snocross race. We took a one day brake of testing to go ride in the mountains…heres some of the pictures of the trip:

Coming into the missouri river,quite a sight seeing as how we didn’t see anything but flat for the past 400 miles

Random ass taco johns:

Scenic pulloff: a whole lot of nothing

Our rig we take to the races 83’ long, 450hp MB diesel.60,000 #'s Hell ya its fun to drive:

Next up: Being my first time driving the rig something always has to happen,the speedlimit is 75 so i had the cruise set at 80, well we come over a hill to see a semi truck tire laying in the road, I swerve out of the way and just miss it, but what I didn’t see if there was a little car pulled over who also hit it, and part of his bumper was missing, well I clipped the bumper and blew a tire out doing 70mph,fun stuff let me tell you.

Main street in west yellowstone: No they don’t plow, they groom the roads because there are more snowmobiles on the roads than cars

I wish it was sunny out here, it was so overcast and snowy the pics turned out bad, this the summit of two top mountain, you can’t tell in this pic but i wanted to see what was over the edge and to my dismay it was a over hang of snow which lead to a drop off that I couldn’t see the bottom to. I quickly and gracfully turned around.

All in all, montana and idaho kick some serious ass if you are into snowmobiling. Teh shit you can see just by snowmobile is awesome. I recomend it to anyone.

EDIT: my photobucket went nuts so the pics are all screwed up

not sure but…are some of the pics you posted severly mismatched to the descriptions?

yeah my photobcket screwed up, but i fixed them now.

no X games for u this year>?

nah, new team, new sleds just so hectic in the beggining of the year, next year though

looks like a good time!

Nice toter home.

This makes me want to go caravaning.