take your send line off and run the pump til all the gas is out and dump it down the drain, or use it for a parts cleaner, and yeah just steal a fuse from a junkyard,
tried to crank and it won’t start.
Tried to mix good fuel with the rest and it didn’t start, or it was flooded from the previous cranks.
We added about 15L of good fuel and it filled up the entire tank. So I’m guessing there’s about 45L of bad fuel in there?
What to do, the car is underground and no real space to work on it.
PS: we’ve done compression test and cranked it enough times, would that cause engine damage since this gas is 2yrs old? Or would it only cause engine damage if it fired up?
yeah, get rid of all the fuel man… fuel that old is like having half water mixed in there.
change the oil for sure. get ALL the fuel out. new plugs.
Then just make sure you have sufficient fuel pressure and spark.
If it still does not start, spray a bit of intake cleaner (not a lot) while you trying to start it. It she stumbles then it is more than likely a fuel problem. (I recommend doing this after the turbo)
Double check to see if you have 12v at any thing you can think of that will. Grounds as well.
and the alt fuse is a rectangular grey one
extra cranking wont cause damage
if anything it will help, because it will build oil pressure before the engine fires up
crank speed = 200-300 RPM which is a lot safer under low oil pres. than 800 RPM
it’s something you should be doing anyway, when starting a car for the first time in awhile
To drain the old fuel without the gas tank hassles, identify the rubber fuel line that goes from your fuel filter to your fuel rail, take the fuel rail side of the fuel line off, stick it into a thicker hose, and stick the other end of that hose into a 30L jerry keg, bring 2 of these. Then pull out your fuel pump relay and override it with a jumper. Turn the ignition to ON and your fuel will be out of your tank in 10 minutes via your fuel pump.
If there wasn’t any fuel stabilizer in the tank, then the fuel has most likely turned into a thick varnish. You’re going to want to drain the fuel tank and flush the entire car with a new tank of HIGH octane gas. With that you’ll probably need a new fuel filter, as well as a new fuel pump filter. Seafoam would also help eat away at some of the accumulated gunk at the bottom of your tank, but that’s questionable. By cranking and priming the fuel pump, you’ve probably got a lot of that gunk in your lines already… fingers crossed.
Then again, if the car had fuel stabilizer in it, the drama I mentioned above may not be of any significance.
^^ How would I be able to clean the lines and get all that gunk, old gas and oil out before I start her?
compression was good ranging from 150-160
there should be a drain plug on the fuel tank for situations like you are in. If not… it will be trouble. You will need to disconnect your fuel line from your fuel rail, then, sacrifice your fuel pump and then pump all of that fuel out into a bucket or something…
Either that, or remove your fuel pump cover from the fuel tank, and siphon the gas out, doing a visual inspection of it. If the color of the fuel is like a light chocolate, you are in it deep.
As for the oil, seafoam the car afterwards. You can get seafoam at your local part source.
^^ ya vlad stated all that on the top.
I don’t know why i asked the question again, I guess too early in the morning lol
OLD GAS!.. when gas sits for over 3 months it starts to separate with the water that is in the gas already, also condensation that builds up from a tank that is not completely filled adds to the water in your gas.
water settles to the bottom of your tank since its heavier than the gas itself so your tank rots out and your fuel pump only sucks up water into your fuel system! nothing is gonna start then!
stabilizer… it only slows the process, anything over one season i just dump!
where my facts come from… im a marine technician and i see this shit everyday!
what you should do…dump ALL THE GAS, then wipe out your gas tank with rags till its dry, check for rust inside the tank
as for the rest of your fuel system… ask someone else, im not a car technician
I let my car sit for 2 years and the gas was fine. No fuel stabilizer. Just added some new gas and it was good to go.
Does it make spark now that you changed the alt fuse??
Can you hear the fuel pump when you first turn the key to on??
I 've had two year old gas before and the car fired up right away,no problem.
before you fire the car up ,you must disconnect the crank sensor wire and turn the car over until your oil pressure light goes out. turn off and repeat just once. This will ensure oil pressure and feed oil to your turbo. reconnect the crank sensor and try to fire up the car. no go ? check for a spark again, do you see anything at all ? if yes what color.
if you still don’t have spark then your igniter may be the culprit . maybe the other guys can confirm this .