Troy's new gunshot detection system

Heard about this 3-4 months back, really good idea places in cali use it and it works really well…

and HAHAHAH to the anti lag idea… It does sound just like a gunshot… my question is…

Acctualy lets take bets

What round calibur sound do you think anti lag makes? We should make this a pole and see what happens when summertime comes and if someone acctualy does it haha

That’s pretty f’in neat. I doubt it’ll prevent all those gang members from killing each other though. Jack asses kill each other almost for sport. It’s retarded. Like OMG…he wore red. Kill him!

Gangs = Fail

Good info in this post.

Wear red=get shot by gang.

lmao. I’m just saying. Lots of gangs have colors. In some cities, you were the wrong color in the wrong part of the hood and you’re likely to get shot.

That’s retarded. Some of the things humans due are just mind boggling. Hopefully this shot finder thing helps the city of Troy. We all know it’s got a crime problem, although the article quoted the one guy saying, “We’re not saying Troy is a hot bed for gun fire.” You kidding? lol. I’d be scared to live in some parts of Troy. Thank God I live in the country.

It really does bottle my mind.




I figured even if the system doesent work as well as expected, people would still think twice befor they fire off a weapon, becasue they will know it is still installed and “functional”…

But then I kept thinking, there is two minor issues with my statement.

1: Dumb [insert ignorant racial slur here] more than likely dont recieve the times union.
2: Dumb [insert ignorant racial slur here] more than lileky cant read english (maybe the [insert ignorant racial slur here] can).

So they still wont know it was functional and will still shoot at shit.

lmao. Great post.