*New Vascar type of system*

A friend of my fathers was tipped off by a municipal cop that a new radar system is now in place in monroeville. All i was told was it can be hidden and a cop is either posted a few hundred feet away either sitting or moving.Another thing that he mentioned is this new system cant be traced by radar detectors and its impossible to fight the ticket if 1 is given.Lastly he mentioned that alot of municipalities have bought the system.I guess its in its early stages but he mentioned that it will oventually have cameras hidden in trees so when someone goes through speeding it will snap a picture of ur plate and just send you a ticket.Now as for placement of this new system is somewere on logans ferry road and on 22 going towards murrysville.not sure yet were its at but i saw alot of people pulled over on logans ferry road today.if im not mistaken i believe he said that they are permanently placed…but i figured id just let you all know incase other municiplalities started this.if i find out more ill let you know.

next the cops will be able to turn our vehicles off during high speed pursuits…oh wait

If they are in a permanent placement I can just imagine disgruntle people going and destroying said equipment.

CB radio > radar detectors

ya thats what im thinking will oventually happen.

bethal park has one too, they use it ALOT on east library road near the trolly station

what could they do to prevent an attack on the equipment, i mean all you would have to do is sneak up from behind and smash it and bingo unless they have another camera watching that one haha.

then they’d have to have another camera watching that one

IMO i think the one on 22 is permanent and the ones on the side roads will move.because they used to run vascar on logans ferry when the locals complained about speeding…then everyone would slow down and after two weekends they would stop running vascar.

and another… and another

Just got to get me one of them reflective license plate covers. Look at it from an angle and you don’t see shit.


that is pretty gay though

gbody remote control flip down licence plate FTW… :smiley: everyone that has ever owned one has wanted to do it!

i wish i new more about it but some friends of mine said they read something about it in Monroeville magizine last month.which i dont get so i cant really refer to it.

They proved the license plate covers useless on mythbusters.

Are they using a camera for this? I thought it was like Vascar but with lasers of some sort instead of lines and a stopwatch. I have seen a ton of people get pulled over there while waiting for the trolley.

Some pull a driveby on them. Shoot the camera out

just don’t speed on roads known for tickets… duh

Or that too.

wow these camera are gonna suck. are we gonna start getting tickets for 1 mph over?