Undetechtable Speed Detector

Just was on Channel 11 News.


Scientists have invented an undetectable speed detector based on military technology which is used to create a visually based speed measurement device.

University of Florida researchers believe they have rendered makers of radar detectors and other speed detection countermeasures useless. Using a $5 million grant from the Air Force, they’ve developed software that can use live video camera footage to recognize objects and measure their speed. It does so by using a very common principle, i.e. the Distance = Rate X Time formula or in this case Rate = Distance/Time formula. It calculating the distance a car moves in a series of photos compared to a fixed object in the background. Because the system is passive, unlike conventional laser and radar speed guns, it cannot be detected.

“If it can view the object moving, that’s all it needs. The computer figures out everything else,” said Warren Dixon, University of Florida assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering. “We’re trying to use both regular and infrared cameras, so night or adverse weather conditions don’t present a problem.”

There currently testing it in Moon Township and already gave out 90 citations. *correction 97 tickets in 7 days


if local municipalities get to use this we are all fucked in our asses. I’m moving out of the country

“Maybe instead of investing in cameras to catch speeders with radar detectors police departments should invest in technology that catches criminals.”

“In fact, the Autobahn which has super high-speed drivers (>95mph) has a better safety record than U.S. highways” Germany FTMFW
But yea…so stupid…waste of money…just another reason for cops to be even more cocky when they come up…“do you see that camera? well it told me you were doing 6 over and it doesn’t lie” Man isn’t perfect…so neither is the technology he creates…someone will figure out how to beat these

Not to get way off topic but the Autobahn is just designed absolutely amazing.
There are no shape bends, or even big hills. ITs all about your meant to go fast on the autobahn.

not to help continue the off topic talk but the Autobahn isn’t american…that explains why its designed so well

This sucks.

have penndot design the autobahn, see how many people die

heloooo canada!!

commin home from work today, i was going up 65, and there was white truck off to the side, and about a half mile later, there were about 12 cops, police cars, police bikes, police trucks. they had traffic stopped, and a cop in the highway, hand picking people outta traffic, who were speeding back at the trap.

the speed limit is 50, dont stop traffic just to nab a speeder, geez.

^^^thats f’ing butt. all for speeding…yet they won’t shut down one simple street when someone has just been shot and the suspect is still in the area.

CB radio > radar detector

I assume they have some way of matching a driver to a license plate?

All this technology to make money :dunno: but still took Robinson 12 minutes to get to Target when the alarm went off at 6 this morning…

who cares

X2, besides if they built anything like that around here I would stay off it. It would be the worlds biggest idiot magnet, and I’m sure most those would be kids testing their parents SUV’s.

Sorry lets get this back on topic. I wonder how good the system really is. Lets say your speeding, you goto pass a semi right and you go by the camera. If the semi is in front of the camera I’m sure its got no chance in hell of seeing you. Vice versa what if your in between the camera and the semi, how many things can it track at once? I know the chance of you passing the camera at the exact moment where your running side by side with a semi is low, its just a example. Or what if a group of speeding cars go by? I’m sure there is a somewhere where the system falls short. Still it kinda sucks though.

German sport sedans + potholes + 140+ km/h = bad.

Hmm, looks to just be video vascar with a computer doing the timing in place of the officer and no reference lines on the road required. I wonder if the system is using recognition software to identify an entire car or focuses down on a certain part. Perhaps there is something to a nice camo paint job, but I seriously doubt it.

Fucking Pigs have nothing better to do… spend $5M to catch speeders, but yet still every morning at work I still hear of all the overnight shootings in pgh… its like clockwork… I dont understand the goverment… Why dont they just install computers in the cars and once you go over 65 they send you a ticket in the mail… thats what its getting to… ridiculas

that sucks glad i haven’t needed to go to moon for last couple weeks