Undetechtable Speed Detector

this was a link from another thread that got locked, but theres a video of this system in operation http://www.wpxi.com/news/11441388/detail.html

since its like vascar without the guess work, there still has to be a cop present. in the video you can see the wires hanging out of the speed detection box hes holding. im sure they can go wireless but there still has to be a human present to see which car actually broke the beam.
plus those beams look pretty delicate, you never know what can happen to fragile equipment that close to the roadside.

i would like to know where in moon this is setup…i hope i dont’ get a citation in the mail :frowning: fuck.


I can beat this system.

It’s called the Enradd System, which is a wireless speed timing device that uses infrared beams to determine how fast a vehicle is traveling.

If it’s infrared, I can see it with Raytheon Corp. IR camera.

if its IR then you should be able to detected it from at least a 1/4 mile with a decent cam and unless your pewter with too much mph you’ll be able to slow down

Also, I have discovered that certain Cadillacs have a NIGHTDRIVE system which is an IR camera and HUD. Might be buying a caddy? :rofl:

Thats so funny yet such a good idea!

So far from what I know it is right by the Moon police station

They’ll be running it on 60 near the airport soon enough if it’s as successful as it seems?

wow, I just hope this is like laser in pa and never really catches on.

In maryland laser is what all the cops use ,so you really don’t have much a chance of slowing down before you get hit, but the speed limit is like 75 not 65 on the highways everyone does 80 so its not that bad. If the harmerville/fox chapel/indiana twp/ cops get this I’m moving out of state

actually my company does that, you get to point A to Point B to quick and don’t log it correct and they think your speeding. They will download the computer crap off the truck. :rolleyes: Verbal warnings, but still is annoying. EZ passes on the turnpikes is one that will bite you in the ass for big rigs.

i love it how when you whiney bitches get all pissy with me for being up in arms about some new law that strips us of civil liberties and turns this country into more and more of a police state, but when something comes up like this that actually personally affects you everyone wants to move to Canada. :kekegay:

eh i don’t care. when in a hurry should of left earlier. because that stoplight(s) will always own you. Weaving in/out traffic is pointless and speeding


Sounds like the US is going to start having speed camera maps like the UK.

Here’s two suggestions for the radar-detection companies to start switching over to:
-A superbright omni-directional IR beacon you put on your car to blind the camera
-all-out active camo paint jobs! It’ll be the new flat black - stealth hah

thats fine. But if you dont make a stand somewhere, sooner or later they’ll get around to outlawing cheap whiskey and newports. When they do, dont come bitching to me about it.

:rofl: Julio and Jose will always find a route to get that shit in the USA:hahano:

They placed the unmanned cameras up In steubenville a year or 2 ago and the speeding tickets came pouring in. A few months later the cameras and such were deemed illegal and the city had to deal with a massive law suit over them. I dont see how these are legal unless they let you know they are in the area. Get the plate cover that wont let cameras read your plate. it was posted a long time ago.

don’t speed…

Just like the smoking ban…the hypocrites were out in full force…
“I’m all for it, screw smokers, and there’s no correlation between this issue and the government regulating other aspects of personal life!”

Now that big brother wants to crack down on automobiles/drivers…let’s a have a pity party. WTF do people expect? Americans really are stupid. Check out the video I posted earlier today if you really want to get pissed about our government.

Register Libertarian and get some in office, victimless crimes should no longer exist, that is one of the goals of the LP.