Radar detectors

Do they work? Are they worth it? Anyone have any first hand experience with them? I wanna get one, but I’m afraid that 400$ later, it won’t work right. lol

the current move for police is LADAR, or laser…
^this is the system you see the officers using a scope on top the thing, to pinpoint the exact offender

If you get one, make sure it detects both

my friend has this one he picked up for like 20 bucks. it doubles as an air freshner and works sweet.

arent they illegal? What are the concequences if you get caught?

Yea there illegal and I hear some cops have radar detector detectors. But they would be pretty sweet.

Don’t waste your money on one. The fine and consequences are much larger then simply getting pulled over for speeding. I know.

The Beltronics STI was undetectable last time I checked. Do some research before you buy, and speed safely.

From what my friend told me who’s cousin works with toronto police is that the police have to point the radar at a flat surface like your licence plate, and if they miss or the radar doesn’t bounce back, they have to wait 5 seconds for it to give an error reading before they can reset and fire again.

I read up on it, I know all about radar, POP radar, laser, radar blocker, etc.

Any new detector worth a shit won’t be detectable and can detect POP radar.

They only use the laser in urban areas because out on the highway the cars move to fast for it and there arn’t enough cars to need to pinpoint one.

And radar detectors don’t detect laser, even if they say they do, it’s to late by the time they do.

Anyways, I was just looking for some first hand info if anyone had any.

But thanks for the quick responses!

Beltronics STI.

i heard is the best, i sat in my buddy’s car when we went up to montreal and he had one, saved his ass at night, when he was going 150. but it kept going off randomly at the same time

best radar device is not to have a lead foot :stuck_out_tongue:

No luck for me there. lol

Parents are cops unfortunately… although they do give good advice when i need it, anyways they say you get busted with one your guaranteed you wont get an insurance company to cover you for a long time, not worth it in my books.

valentine one

look it up.

Yes they are illegal in Ontario. Not worth it…unless you want a ticket for having one and then watch the cop confiscate it and destroy it right before your eyes (usually by running over it with his car). I don’t think there’s a system on the market right now that will defeat the OPP “detector detectors”.

It’s your choice, but I refuse to be a slave to the man. I’ve seen the range that radar detectors, and radar detector detectors work. Even if your shit gets detected, you’re so far away, that cops have no clue which car it’s in. Turn it off, throw it under the seat, problem solved. To top it off, as I said, the Beltronics STI was still undetectable last time I checked, even at point blank.
Not speeding is an excellent option for those that don’t want to spend the money on a radar detector (like me :D), but if I had the spare change, I’d grab one, and speed my balls off.

not true, they use it on the 401, 1 cop opperates the thing from an overpass, and another group of officers flag the people over and write the tickets.

^^ Ok, sucks for you guys. lol

But anyways, sure it’s illegal, but so is speeding and loud mufflers so fuck it. And like someone said, just hide it as soon as it beeps. And the STi is 100% undetectible. It’s the only one. The others are like 95-99% or something. According to 007RadarDetectors.com or something.

btw, anyone know if there is a way to have the sensors in your bumper and have the display built into the dash??

lots of people rip them apart and integrate them in to their gauge clusters and whatnot - you can set it up however you want

a friend of mine had one.

long story short, he got caught. however, three weeks prior, legislation was changed, adding 3 demerit points to the charge along with confiscation and fine.

keep that in mind.

all radar detectors are detectable, its what range that matters. The fines for getting caught with one are way not worth it. They even have radar detector detector detectors now. Which is stupid :stuck_out_tongue: …Systems do get quite advanced but the money involved to make it almost fool proof system is not worth it for those in Ontario.
They have laser scramblers, radar scramblers the whole works now…
Its basically a chain… 1 does one thing then the other does the next thing and so on

Its all about signals and frequency’s. If u want a perfect system then ur talking military class!!
Telecommunications experts can give u some direction into this if you want details. It would involve so much that even some aspects of your vehicle may change.

Plus if ur an idiot u will still get caught